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Dry Screw Vacuum Pump

Learn About Dry Screw Vacuum Pumps

But Struggling with These 10 Common Problems ?

  • Process vapour contamination.
  • Escape of uncondensed process vapour leading to Loss of Recovery & an Environment Hazard.
  • High Utility Cost of Oil &/Or Water, high consumption of steam.
  • Water/oil contamination with process vapour & cost of treatment.
  • Inconsistent vacuum leading to low yeild & poor product quality.
  • High power consumption.
  • Failure to recover costly process solvent.
  • Poor service and spare support leading to high downtime in production.
  • Pump corrosion leading to poor performance.
  • High batch cycle times.

And not sure of how to solve them, then "EVEREST" Dry Vacuum Pump is the ideal solution to solving all these problems.


More than 100000+ installations worldwide of Roots Vacuum Pumps

5+ Patents & In house recognized R&D Team

National Award Winner 1st Prize, Energy Efficient Pump

Presence in all Major States with regional offices in Hyderabad & Baroda & 15+ Field Service Engineers.

Annual production of more than 10000+ Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps

The clear benefits of dry vacuum pump technology, especially hybrid variable pitch screw pump chemical dry pumps, are evident and tangible in many essential applications. This pump is a well-designed, cost-effective, safe and reliable solution to processing requirements. These are Oil free vacuum pumps. These pumps do not require oil or water for sealing and lubrication of the vacuum stages. These dry vacuum systems are therefore free from pollution and effluent generation.


Oil-Free Vacuum Pump Operation:

  • Two parallel, non-contacting, helical screw-shaped rotors (1) or (2) make up a dry screw vacuum pump. Fig. 1. Rotating at high speeds using precision gears (3). They rotate in opposite directions and trap gas at the suction pocket (5), compressing & transporting it to the exhaust port (6) and into the exhaust cavity (7). The gas is transported by the compression chambers, or pockets , which are formed by the walls of the stator (9).
  • There are very small gaps between the screws and stators, as well as between intermeshing screws. This ensures that there is less reverse leakage towards the inlet than the forward flow of gas created by the screw pockets.
  • The length of the sealing border (i.e. the number of spirals or tight clearances) prevents reverse flow of the pumped gasses. Pumps fitted with compression plates at discharge sometimes experience slight reverse expansion when the outlet valve or port is first exposed. As the screw action reduces the volume of trapped gas, this is quickly expunged.
  • The width of the "sealing land" at the ends of the screw profile is the main factor controlling the reverse flow of gas. These large lands are located close to the stator, minimizing reverse gas leakage. Screw pumps can have a maximum pressure of 0.01 torr (0.01mBar).
  • Variable pitch models use compressed gas to increase compression and prevent the exhaust pump from bursting. This distributes heat loads more evenly along the length of the rotating shafts. Single pitch models have more compression in the last half-turn of the rotor against a valve or compression plate, which biases the heat generation toward the exhaust. Temperatures must be high enough to prevent condensation and low enough that they do not cause auto-ignition or polymerization. Variable pitch pumps have a progressive increase in the exhaust gas temperature to prevent condensation of vapours. Variable pitch screw pumps use more power than single pitch ones.
  • The surrounding jacket is used to cool the environment. You can choose to have your pumps either closed-loop or direct. The latter has many benefits, such as the fact that the cooling water of the plant is not in direct contact with the pump material. Also, the jacket will not corrode or become soiled due to low cooling water quality.
  • There is a gas ballast port (10) available, if required. It can be used to heat up a cold pump, dry a wet pump faster, remove flammable vapor from its flammable range, and clean solids from a pump, especially during solvent flushing.

Thermal Management in Dry Vacuum Pumps:

For reliable operation of a chemical Dry Screw Vacuum Pump, thermal management is crucial.

If the pump is TOO COLD for the process being performed, aggressive vapours can condense. This could lead to corrosion, dilution of oils, and swelling of seals. This is a serious problem that can only be caused if the vapor is allowed to condense into the liquid due to the heavy compression happening inside the pump.

If the operating temperature of the pump is too high for the process being performed, undesirable reactions like polymerization and auto-ignition can occur. To prevent this, high bearing temperatures or thermal seizure may be added as add-on instrumentation.

Although internal coatings can reduce some of the above effects, they should not be relied upon. While coatings are great for protecting the pump during installation and commissioning, they will not last long in the vacuum and temperatures where the pumps spend the majority of their time. Thus Everest has come up with special alloy steel rotors which are ENP plated for longer lifespan. Everest has also developed stainless steel screw rotors that are becoming very popular in corrosive operating environments.

It is important to make sure that process vapours remain in the vapours phase (Green area) as shown in the figure below. There are several ways to make sure this happens: temperature/flow control for the pump coolant; nitrogen purge to increase process dew point; and inlet condensers that remove vapor upstream from the pump.

Additional features can be added to the pump system in order to increase reliability and address system problems. A solvent flush system is one example to ensure that the pumping mechanism remains clean and free from any contaminants. Another example is knock-out pots (KOPs), which are filters that capture liquid and powder slugs, when they are not prevented.


11 Unique Benefits which help Solve Your Problems !!!

  • 100% Dry Vacuum Pumping, No Contamination of Process Vapour with Sealing Fluid.
    - 100% Product Purity Intact, No Contamination
    - 100% Product Process Vapour Condensation/Recover possible.
  • No steam, no water, no oil as sealing fluid in contact, low cost of Operation & Utility.
  • Rugged & Robust Design for Harsh Tropical Environment reducing downtimes by more than 27% over other similar technologies.
  • Gen III (2021) Patented Design Hybrid Pitch Screw having high volumetric efficiency leading to consistent vacuum levels without any fluctuation.
    - High Product YEILD.
    - High Product QUALITY.
  • Tripple Sealing on Suction (Patented Seal Design) leads to higher Ultimate Vacuum of up to 10-³.
  • Up to 33% more power efficient as compared to conventional similar sized vacuum pumps.
  • Lowest (m3/kw) power consumption ratio.
  • Special Alloy Steel, Coated/Plated Screw & Casing capable to pump TOXIC & CORROSIVE VAPOUR without much adverse effect.
  • High Vapour/Liquid Handling Capability as compared to a VARIABLE PITCH screw design thus preferred for apllications handling Vapour.
  • Top Suction, Bottom Discharge Design best suited for pumping high vapour which has tendency to condense within the pump.
  • Up to 37% reduction in batch time when compared to WET PUMPS
  • Best in INDUSTRY VALUE FOR MONEY Proposition.



Benefits That You Can Expect

  • 100% Product Purity Intact, No Contamination.
  • 100% Product Process Vapour Condensation Possible.
  • High Speed Operation, High Volumetric Efficiency & Low Slip losses.
  • Best Suited for Harsh Tropical Conditions & Outdoor Installations. Thermal clearances and heat dissipation calibrated accordingly.
  • Gen III (2021) design with optimized High Efficiency screw Rotor Profile.
  • Local Vacuum Centres
  • Tripple Sealing on suction (Patented) leading to higher ultimate blank off vacuum of up to 10-³.
  • Up to 30% more efficient from similar size conventional Vacuum Pump.
  • Low Power Consumption ratio (m3/KW).
  • Local Spare Part Availability.
  • Local Manpower Availability for Faster Deployment.

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map-1.png Vast Experience
42+ years experience in manufacturing roots vacuum pump with more than 43% market share & more than 10000 installations serving more than 2700+ customers.


map-2.png World Class Manufacturing
1,00,000+ Sq. Ft of dedicated manufacturing with best in class mother machinery, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 QMS Systems


map-3.png Pan India Presence
Pan India Presence of more than 40 years with Sales & Service Staff of more than 40+ people deployed all across the country with regional offices in Hyderabad & Baroda


map-4.png R&D Labs
DISR, Govt. of India Approved & Recognized In House R&D Lab with 5+ Patents and National Award Winner, Energy Efficient Pumps.



Everest Vacuum is a leading vacuum systems solution provider with great after sales service & support, they have done brilliantly well in understanding our
complete product & process requirement, designed a customised solution for us & supported us in commissioning of the product in the right fashion. We had to upgrade our installations from Stem/Water Jet ejectors to Dry Screw Vacuum Pumps looking into the enormous advantages that it would offer in terms of consistent deep vacuum & environmental friendly technology. We are very glad that we dealt with such a company who demonstrated high standards of professionalism along without losing sight of customer requirements. We would like to work with them again in the future & wish them all the best.

Mr. Kunal Sikchi

MD, Matrix LifeSciences


We have been using Everest Dry Vacuum Pumps & Systems for more than 5 years now. Everest machines are running very efficiently and have helped us save millions of rupees in terms of enhancement in productivity, downtime and innovative engineering.


Mr. RP Bhosale

AVP, Engineering (Vinati Organics limited)


The Machines procured from Everest are running well in our processes. The Commissioning team of Everest has shown their expertise with the processes and has successfully completed the commissioning of the machine.


Mr. Suresh Bahadur

AVP, Admark Polycoats Pvt Ltd.
